Thursday, August 20, 2020


Click HERE to see a video shown in class on August 19-20. It's been placed here so Chemistry students can view the video as often as they need. This will be a common practice in this course.

Students are asked to compare and contrast two natural phenomena: a violent recent (8/4/2020) event in Beirut and an ongoing geological curiosity in Turkmenistan:

How are they SIMILAR??

How are they DIFFERENT?

What chemical processes might be at work?

Interestingly, while both the Beirut event and the Darvaza crater are natural phenomena, the choices of human beings were involved in producing what we observe in the video. Click on the links to learn more about these events!

1 comment:

  1. compare: They both are explosions and have fire
    contrast: one was fire and smoke and the other one just has fire
