Friday, March 20, 2020


So, I went to Bullard on Wednesday and shot this video, students. Please watch the whole video, and think about how it might relate to your current experience, and then answer the questions below:


Using email, I'd like students to respond to the following prompts.  Each response should be a paragraph with at least four sentences.

1.    The video describes your instructor's experience at working on-campus, at  'A School Without Students'.   Write a paragraph that describes your experience: how has the global pandemic and the school shutdown affected your life?  There may be positive and negative aspects to the experience.  Don't worry about being judged; just be honest.

2.     Your instructor shares how being at 'A School Without Students' impacts him emotionally, and how he intends to respond to the current crisis.  Write a paragraph that identifies emotions you have experienced.  How do you feel?  Why do you feel that way?  How will you respond to the crisis?

1 comment:

  1. 1. My life is more boring. I spend way more time gaming and on my phone. I also am not getting half the amount of physical activity i usually get. I am working out though and getting more sleep which has been good. The extra sleep helps me feel better.

    2.I was happy at first to not have to be at school every day but now I am missing school, sports, friends and even my teachers and just having somewhere to be everyday. One emotion I have definetely felt throughout the pandemic is anxiety. I get a little stressed when thinking about the disease and getting it or anyone I know getting it. I look forward to a day when the corona virus is cured or no longer a threat.
