Thursday, March 24, 2022


In this VIDEO, Mr. Hatfield provides equations for reactions involving both ionic compounds and covalent compounds.

Then, step by step, Mr. Hatfield balances all of these equations.  

Balancing equations is an iterative procedure, sometimes called 'trial and error', and students have to practice the skill of unpacking and balancing equations many times before it will become routine:


Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Students, here are the Power Point Notes on Chemical Kinetics, which covers the concept of equilibrium and the rates of reaction.

The Study Guide based on these Notes were made available in class on Thursday, March 18th, and were completed in class yesterday.  

Most students have already completed the Study Guide, handed it in and had the graded work returned to them in class so that they can use it to create their Notes for the next Unit Test, in their Composition Book.

If you need to get another copy, you can download a PDF version of the Study Guide HERE.

The previous Power Point Notes on Thermochemistry are available HERE.

Thursday, March 17, 2022


Students: as of today, we are in a new unit, on 'Solutions, Acids and Bases."  

The first topic in this new unit is chemical kinetics, where we examine things that affect the rate of chemical reactions, including the relative concentration of reactants and products. 

In this video, Paul Anderson does a great job of providing a demonstration that suggests how such chemical systems reach  equilibrium:

Mr. Anderson also models how to equilibrium setups and solve for the value of the equilibrium constant, 'K'.  Students were given a worksheet based on this video in Thursday's class, including a short set of problems in which they will practice setting up equilibrium expressions.

This is a short topic, and on Friday the notes on Chemical Kinetics will be provided.  Both items should be treated as homework, and completed as soon as possible.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022


Students, you can download the Power Point Notes for Tuesday's Unit Test on Thermochemistry by either clicking HERE or on the graphic below:

Students should use this to complete their Study Guide, an Assignment which is due during Thursday's class, in order to prepare for Tuesday's UNIT TEST!