Students: we are now in the second quarter, and the next unit of this course.
Here are some key items to attend to:
Looking ahead, you will need to read all of Chapters 5-6 before Tuesday, Nov. 3rd (which is an important day for some other reason, as you might know).
The 30-point Lab Activity 'Electron Configuration', based on the GIZMOS simulation of the same name, is due on Wednesday, Oct. 28th. When you submit that Assignment, you will need to attach TWO items to the email:
#1 A copy of the completed Word document, available through Teams and also HERE.
#2 A picture showing your work from pg. 2 of that Word document, which unfortunately does not give you the ability to write in arrows inside the 'spin diagrams' featured in the simulation. Instead, print out that page or copy the diagrams onto a separate sheet of paper. Then, complete the work and attach a picture of that work.
The 20-point Class Assignment 'Lewis Dot Structures' will also need to be returned to Mr. Hatfield as an email with attached images showing student work. It should be completed and returned no later than Thursday morning, Oct. 29th.
The 30-point Homework Assignment 'HW Electron Configuration' will be completed through Quizizz, and will involve reviewing Sections 4.3 and 4.4 from your Textbook. Please make sure that your submission through Quizizz is completed by midnight on Friday, Oct. 30th.
Hey, Halloween is on Saturday and that is traditionally a good day to just be a kid. Be careful out there! Since Halloween falls on a weekend, there will be no additional assignments over the weekend . . . but BEWARE!
Students who are failing to complete work in class may be assigned something more horrible than a ghost, a ghoul or a 'Sus': SATURDAY SCHOOL IS COMING!